New Comic Books on April 12, 2006

Ahhh, Wednesday. At the Revolution, our favorite day of the week isn’t Friday. Nor Saturday. Not even Sunday. Nope. Our favorite day of the week is Wednesday when our new comics arrive at the bunker. Let’s take a peek at what is coming in tomorrow.

Crisis Aftermath: The Battle For Bludhaven #1 (of 6)
Nightwing #119
Superman #651

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #7
Son Of M #5 (of 6)
Ultimate Extinction #4 (of 5)
Ultimate Spider-Man #93
Uncanny X-Men #472

Shonen Jump #41
Tough Vol. 6

I know what you’re thinking. Pretty small week for the Revolution, huh? Yeah, well it is. But, there are still some gems in this week’s batch of new comics. What is the Revolution most looking forward to reading while enjoying our fried platanos? Ultimate Spider-Man #93 and Nightwing #119. The Revolution is looking forward to Ultimate Spider-Man #93, because Ultimate Spider-Man has consistently been the most entertaining read for the past three four years.

The Revolution is looking forward to Nightwing #119, because we absolutely loved the first “One Year Later” issue for this title. I’m interested to see how Dick Grayson and Jason Todd co-exist with each other.

The Revolution is also looking forward to Ultimate Extinction #4. This has been a very well done and entertaining mini-series.

What title are we least looking forward to reading? That is an easy one. Son of M #5. Man, do we regret starting this mini-series. But, now that we are more than half way done, we feel obligated to see how the story ends. The Revolution was hoping that this mini-series might make the House of M seem cooler. So far that ain’t happening.

Pretty light week for manga, as well. Tough is a really entertaining martial arts fight manga. Pretty underrated and doesn’t get much publicity, but still good stuff. I know, imagine that. Something that isn’t in the Top 25 can actually be good? There are plenty of gems that are superior to titles that consistently place in the Top 25.