Another Levitz Era Legion Teaser

This isn’t any big news and DC has this cover to The Brave and The Bold #3 on their website. However, when I finished reading Action Comics Annual #10, I was so excited about a possible return of the Levitz era Legion that I decided to check out other upcoming DC comics for any more teasers.

Well, Mark Waid, who also writes Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes, is also penning the Brave and the Bold. And Waid is giving us the Levitz era Fatal Five. That is just awesome. I am hoping that we continue to see more characters from the Levitz era Legion popping up in other titles.

What does this mean? Who knows? Maybe DC is just toying with Legion fans. Or maybe Paul Levitz being the head honcho has decided that bringing the Multiverse back is a good time as any to re-establish the definitive version of the Legion of Super Heroes.

The Levitz era was pure magic. Levitz and Giffen made a great team and cranked out what I thought was the best story arc in Legion history in the “Great Darkness Saga.” Giffen and Levitz complimented each others talents. Giffen was a wild idea man and Levitz was the right person to sift through Giffen’s ideas and junk the ones that were too outrageous or stupid.

That is something that went unchecked once the former fan fiction writers, the Bierbaums, became the writers of the Legion. You know, things like making a long established female character really a man. You know, I’m just talking out loud here.

I’m thrilled to see more and more evidence of the Levitz era Legion alive and well. My dream would be for DC to publish a second Legion of Super Heroes title centering on the Levitz era Legion. That way you could have the current version of Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes for whatever fans that title may still have.