Green Arrow #10 Review

Green Arrow #10 Review – “Arrow vs The Wall”

Green Arrow #10 is a turning point issue for the series. Last we left things Oliver Queen was given a “deal with the devil” type offer from Amanda Waller. It is an offer that directly plays into Green Arrow’s current direction of monitoring the superhero community of the DC Universe. This puts into question if Oliver will see this offer as what’s best for business. With Absolute Power not too far from starting let’s see what Oliver’s decision is with Green Arrow #10.


Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artists: Sean Izaakse and Tom Derenick

Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr.

Letterer: Troy Peteri


“WHERE IS ROY HARPER? Roy Harper is missing. Green Arrow and Connor Hawke investigate what happened to him and what Amanda Waller has done to the rest of the Arrow family…which makes it difficult when they are attacked by surprise agents of Waller! Red Arrow, Red Canary, Arrowette, and Speedy!” – DC Comics


Green Arrow #10 is a comic book that aspirations were greater than its impact. Throughout his run Joshua Williamson has put a lot of time and effort into building the connection between the Green Arrow Family. For all that effort Green Arrow #10 is a reminder that one story arc isn’t all it takes to have character interactions hit their intended target. And it all comes down to the fact the Green Arrow Family history isn’t as strong as other DCU Families.

The opening is a great example of showing why Oliver Queen and Roy Harper have such a strong connection. Oliver took in and trained Roy at a young age. Though through mistakes they both made their mentor-protégé relationship led to terrible results, especially for Roy Harper. Thanks to time they’ve been able to repair their dynamic to be father-son once again. That made the motivation for Oliver to take Amanda Waller’s offer one to understand. The history with his protégé and adopted son makes it 100% understandable that Oliver would drop everything to save Roy.

Oliver Queen and Roy Harper History - Green Arrow #10
Oliver Queen and Roy Harper history is given the spotlight in Green Arrow #10. Credit: DC Comics

Though it is from there that Green Arrow #10 runs into its biggest problem. Because while the history between Oliver and Roy provides a great background for this story the same can’t be said with the other characters. Since failing Roy we’ve seen Oliver give up on being a mentor full time. Sure, he’s mentored Connor Hawke, Emiko Queen, and Mia Dearden but that wasn’t for very long. And these characters haven’t been mainstays of other DCU titles that have help build them up, which speaks to problems of how DC Comics treats the majority of their legacy characters as disposable.

The lack of history is really felt as soon as Speedy, Red Arrow, Arrowette, and Red Canary make their appearance. Williamson tries way too hard with the character recaps of Speedy, Red Arrow, Arrowette, and Red Canary to make you think they have a lot of history. It’s history that feels forced. This is not necessarily Williamson’s fault but does highlight past creative faults of not building a history for the Green Arrow Family so moments where they reunite hit.

The only one that hit in any way was the reunion with Mia Dearden. Though even her appearance is more to do with Mia being one of the more overlooked and forgotten characters. That is something even Williamson admits to through the interactions between Oliver and his “family.” This all causes this aspect that Williamson is trying to hit feel like he is speed running through it because he doesn’t have time to establish the importance of the Green Arrow Family.

The story in Green Arrow #10 does recover by the end with multiple things set-up. On the Oliver Queen side of things, we learn that he is indeed going to try to take Amanda Waller down from the inside. He has recognized Waller’s power is to great to fight through normal superhero means. Working for Waller is a better long-term plan in Oliver’s mind. Which puts him in a questionable position as we march towards the Absolute Power event that could pit Green Arrow against his friends and family.

We also learn through what Arsenal, Speedy, Red Arrow, Arrowette, and Red Canary say that Waller is implanting brain bombs on more than just Suicide Squad and Task Force X members. She is now using the brain bombs as a recruitment tool to force heroes to work for her. This adds another layer to the greater Waller storyline that could see her manipulate things to create a superhero civil war in the DC Universe. While we don’t need DC’s version of Marvel’s Civil War there is no doubting that this development certainly fits with what Amanda Waller would do.

Red Arrow, Arrowette, and Red Canary - Green Arrow #10
Red Arrow, Arrowette, and Red Canary confront Oliver Queen and Connor Hawke in Green Arrow #10. Credit: DC Comics

With that in mind what Oliver’s decision is if he does get the Sanctuary data out of the Justice League bunker will be interesting to see. The Sanctuary data is a game changer that in the hands of Amanda Waller can ensure the end of the DCU heroes. Oliver does seem to know that, which leaves you wondering what Oliver will do to continue the relationship with Waller and protect his friends and family at the same time.

Green Arrow #10 is the best-looking issue that Sean Izaakse, who had help from fellow artist Tom Derenick, has done during this run. Multiple times in Green Arrow #10 Izaakse created dynamic splash pages. While the family dynamic did not hit there is no denying Speedy, Red Arrow, Arrowette, and Red Canary looked cool in their appearance in this issue. That along with the great splash page that explains Oliver and Roy’s history together was done so well that it told a full story without the need of dialogue.


Green Arrow #10 is a mixed bag. On the Oliver Queen and Roy Harper front, the strength of their relationship helps to move the greater story around Amanda Waller forward. Though it is a story brought down by the fact that the Green Arrow Family as a whole lacks the history to make their big reunion hit as intended. The lack of development from past creative decisions impact scenes that are made to look important but lack punching power. That all leads to an overall story that feels rushed because of lack of time.

Story Rating: 5 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 6.5 Night Girls out of 10

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