Rise of the Powers of X #4 Review

Rise Of The Powers of X #4 Review

Since the last Rise of the Powers of X issue tings have quickly escalated. That is thanks to its sibling title, Fall of the House of X, we saw Charles Xavier appear to double down on his betrayal of the mutant race by siding with the Sentinels. With Xavier completely betraying everyone in order to complete his plan to “save the day” will he be successful? And will this betrayal ultimately payoff as what will help save the mutans future in the Marvel Universe? Let’s find out with Rise of the Powers of X #4.


Writer: Kieron Gillen

Artist: R. B. Silva

Colorist: David Curiel

Letterer: Clayton Cowles


“WHO IS TRAITOR X? In the aftermath of the greatest betrayal in X-Men history, the Quiet Council in exile must act. They have a plan. Can anyone, or anything, survive the experience? As the Krakoan Age barrels toward its conclusion, the two series that are one converge on an act that will live in infamy!” – Marvel Comics


For better or worse, Rise of the Powers of X has settled in to be the info dump in comparison to the more action heavy Fall of the House of X. At this point that is what the reading experience of Rise of the Powers of X and Fall of the House of X is. Though even with that being the reading experience it does cause major moments to not hit as hard as they intend to.

An example of a major plot beat not hitting as hard as intended is the main story with Charles Xavier. Thanks to Fall of the House of X #4 we already knew about Xavier working with Omega Sentinel. Knowing that was the next step after he shot Rachel Grey takes away from the impact of the decisions, we see him make in Fall of the House of X #4. It’s certainly one of those plot points that will read much better in the collected format rather than monthly. Though since we are getting this monthly it certainly hurts the individual reading experience that is Rise of the Powers of X #4.

To Kieron Gillen’s credit, he does understand the lack of impact that seeing Xavier and Omega Sentinel just go all in with how dark this partnership is. This issue drives home how far-gone Xavier is in believing his decisions are the only way to secure the future of the mutant race. Seeing Xavier completely abandon humanity was clearly tough on him.

R.B. Silva deserves a lot of credit for how Xavier’s decisions to help Omega Sentinel eliminate humans were. The artwork gets over how while Xavier doesn’t say it out loud, he knows that by working with Omega Sentinel he will never achieve his original dream. He has gone away from his message of unity in order to simply go all in on his simplest emotion of survival.

Phoenix Ritual - Rise of the Powers of X #4
Rachel Grey leaves Jean Grey to complete the ritual for her mother and Phoenix to become one again in Rise of the Powers of X #4. Credit: Marvel Comics

While Xavier’s development is a mix bag, the element in Rise of the Powers of X #4 that does not work whatsoever is the continuing story with Moira MacTaggert. Throughout this crossover event it has felt like Moira is a character that there is an uncertainty of how to keep her integrated. She is so important as Moira X but has be superseded by so many other characters. Her appearance up to this point have just been reminders that she is around but nothing more.

Xavier’s actions as the newly named Sentinel X, make the wild card plan going on in the White-Hot Room more effective. Learning about how Xavier’s ultimate plan is to bring back Jean Grey as the Phoenix shows the no turning back point we are at. Xavier is the only one that could literally pull the trigger to make the Phoenix’s return happen.

Though this is all planned out it does not do away with how questionable the decisions are. The plan still being reliant on Mister Sinister’s help is one of those double edge sword decisions. That’s what makes Rasputin IV presence work as she reminds of the massive risk it is to have Mister Sinister around.

All of this ultimately works to reset the importance the Phoenix Force has to the Marvel Universe. That was certainly needed as the Phoenix Force did lose what made it special over the last decade. Jean as the Phoenix being the only thing that could cause the entire future to become an unknown drive home the God-level power Jean will return with.


Rise of the Powers of X #4 is easily the best issue of this half of the latest X-Men crossover event. Though there are still certain plot beats that do not as intended the major moments accomplish what they need to. The decisions Charles Xavier makes drives home the endgame state not just the X-Men are in but the entire Marvel Universe.

Story Rating: 6 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 7.5 Night Girls out of 10