Winter’s Parting Shot

The weather has gotten nicer and nicer here at the Bunker as winter gives way to spring. The warm air of spring is beginning to assert itself with more regularity. The morning has brought the sound of birds chirping outside my window. The flowers are beginning to bloom and the trees are springing to life. The days are getting longer and Daylight Savings Time begins tonight. Spring training has brought us the crack of the baseball bat. So what does all this mean? That winter has to get one last shot in on me before it fades away.

Yup, old man winter served up one evil batch of the flu and sent it to the Bunker and wiped me out Thursday night. Damn the flu for preventing me from fulfilling my quota of reviews for this week. At any rate, once I have vanquished this flu and have rejoined the land of the living I will certainly start posting reviews in short order.

2 thoughts on “Winter’s Parting Shot

  1. Sometimes I hate livivng in LA. It’s dirty, pollutted, crime filled anf all around ugly. Then, I remember that it’s Febuary and I’m in shorts and a tee shirt and then things look up a little.

    Feel better soon. Lots of chicken soup and such.

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