X-Men: Red #18 Review

X-Men: Red #18 Review – The Final Issue!

As big as the Fall of X direction is for the X-Men franchise it is not only major thing going on for the franchise. Over on Planet Arakko everyone has been in the middle of a war caused by Genesis launching a full on war against Storm and her forces. Thus far Genesis side has been dominating the conflict, with Storm only just barely able to stay alive. Now that may be changing as Apocalypse, under a new name of Revelation, has made his big return to stand by Storm’s side rather than his wife, Genesis. How will this impact the story going forward? Let’s find out with X-Men: Red #18.


Writer: Al Ewing

Artist: Yildiray Cinar

Colorist: Federico Blee

Letterer: Ariana Maher


“FINAL BATTLE! Their armies have clashed—and torn a world apart. Now, finally, the two war leaders meet. Storm versus Genesis for the fate of the Red Planet—as the planet itself fights alongside them! Will Planet Arakko survive? And more—is the secret dream of En Sabah Nur about to come true…?” – Marvel Comics


Since X-Men: Red started Al Ewing along with all of the artists, with X-Men: Red #18 featuring Yildiray Cinar, have given this series its own big event feel. Every issue has felt like something consequential was going on. Having an entire planet in Arakko to explore and develop has been the strength of the series. This strength was in full view as we got the final battle between Storm and Genesis forces for the future of Planet Arakko.

Obviously, the headlining battle in X-Men: Red #18 was Storm vs Genesis. They are the leaders of their respective side that everyone was following. They are most definitely the driving force for how things end up in this war caused by Genesis but Ewing makes sure its not what defines this story. Every battle that is held in X-Men: Red #18 is treated as important as Storm vs Genesis. Whether it’s the numbers involved or emotional battles, all the battles happening across Planet Arakko have an importance to them.

Providing this large scope to the story in turn makes Storm vs Genesis an even bigger battle of leaders. Unlike the other battles, Storm and Genesis was a test of wills. We didn’t get a lot of fighting between them. Instead, the few attacks they hit each other were impactful because of what it meant for their characters at this point. They were very much treated as the heart of this story with the end giving a proper conclusion for Storm ascending as the leader of Planet Arakko.

Having the Kaiju islands of Kaorak and Arakko figting in the background of Storm and Genesis fight added to the gravity of this fight. We got physical representations of the scale of importance this final fight had. This gave a fun element to what was an otherwise series battle.

Kaorak vs Arakko - X-Men: Red #18
The Kaiju battle of Kaorak vs Arakko is one of the many final battles featured in X-Men: Red #18. Credit: Marvel Comics

More importantly, it served to have Apocalypse be part of the final battle without physically being the deciding factor of who won between Storm and Genesis. This speaks to all of the development Apocalypse has had that he knew this wasn’t his war to decide who would win. Apocalypse talk with Storm in the aftermath does a good job summarizing his development and what he has always wanted to accomplish. This added weight to the new status quo of Planet Arakko now being divided in more of a country structure than one nation.

In the middle of all that we did have multiple battles going on. Sunspot leading Storm’s army against the Horsemen and their forces was a cool payoff to Sunspot’s arc. Throughout X-Men: Red we’ve seen Sunspot come even more into his own as a leader. He has had as much development as anyone in this series. Being positioned at the forefront as the person citizens follow into battle was a great visual.

Fisher King sacrificing himself to do everything he can to help Sunspot’s forces worked for his entire arc. Fisher King’s ultimate fate was what felt like were everything he did was leading to. Ewing had a specific story to tell that had a definitive beginning and end for Fisher King, making his character arc as satisfying as any in this series.

Similarly, Ironfire’s arc got a satisfying conclusion with his fight against White Sword. While Ironfire wanted Storm and her forces to follow him in battle that wasn’t the best for his development. He had a personal fight that he alone had to resolve against White Sword. We saw that with how as they fought Ironfire came to realize that killing isn’t the answer. As he dominated the fight with White Sword and disarmed him Ironfire understood what Storm and the others have been trying to tell him. Ironfire and White Sword ultimately ending on friendly terms the right resolution for both of them.

While this was definitely an ending Ewing leaves things open with the final page of X-Men: Red #18. The final visual of Genesis with her Horseman and Nightcrawler in a tube has a lot of potential. It is easily something that could play into Fall of the House of X and Rise of the Power of X. That is at least what Genesis mention of Orchis implies. At the same time, this is a story that can be saved for whatever comes after Fall of the House of X and Rise of the Power of X. Having those options available made this a powerful ending.


X-Men: Red #18 is a strong end to what has been Marvel’s best comic book series since Al Ewing started this series. Along with artist Yildiray Cinar, Ewing delivered on the epic scale the end of the war for the future Planet Arakko needed to have. If you did not read X-Men: Red during its run make sure to pick up the collections as this series as soon as possible.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 8.5 Night Girls out of 10