Comic Book Podcast: Blackest Night: Superman #1

All right, so I replaced my decrepit old dying laptop with a brand new Apple MacBook Pro. So far, I am enjoying it. There are many features about Apple computers that I like. And some that I don’t like. But, all in all, I enjoy it more than my old PC.

Of course, I immediately had to start playing with Garage Band with the intent on finally making some type of enhanced podcast. I figured I would avoid making a video podcast. Nobody needs to see my ugly mug. So, a podcast with artwork from the issue I am reviewing was the course I decided to take.

Below is my very first foray into podcasting. I have to admit that I don’t really like my first effort all that much. Unfortunately, you can hear the annoying clicking sound of my mouse pad during several parts of the podcast. I also hate the sound of my voice.

So, I’m really not all that thrilled with my first podcast. But, I guess you have to start somewhere. I am going to chalk this effort up to a learning experience. I figure the only way to get good at podcasting is to muddle through a couple of them until you get it down right.

Anyway, I am going to go ahead and post the podcast. I figure that since I went through the effort to make it that it would be a waste of time and effort if I didn’t go ahead and post it. I will definitely learn from my mistakes. I promise to make sure that I improve with my next podcast.

6 thoughts on “Comic Book Podcast: Blackest Night: Superman #1

  1. I really prefer the text to audio video but I still enjoyed your podcast. I like being able to expand the pictures you post to clearly see the details and I also like being able to skim each paragraph in case I don't have time to read the full article. This is much harder to do in a podcast type of format.

    Aside from that, I really enjoyed the podcast. An excelent first and I know I'll enjoy many more to come.

    One suggestions: after you give your summary, have a round table/panel discuss of the good and bad of each issue. That could make for an interesting podcast if you could somehow conference call/3-way call your other writers for the recording.

  2. As a broadcaster, I do understand how hard it is to sit by yourself and make an interesting podcast. So please just take what I say as constructive criticism and not as a put down.

    I liked the information first and foremost. Use inflection in your voice (if you sound disinterested, then so will your audience). As you go along, you will get better. Have fun doing it and you will be fine.

  3. I, too, also enjoy the podcast-review, but it did sound a little awkward. The best advice I could give for the future is to take a more conversational approach to these, because that's what you're doing–starting a conversation; your part of the conversation happens to use audio and video while we respond via text comments. Just imagine that we're physically there, and conduct your podcast in such manner. So, if you remember that, I think it'll help a lot.

  4. I couldn't get this to play in Firefox–at first I assumed this was your revenge upon me for picking up the new run of Detective–but when I brought the page up in Internet Explorer it played just fine. This will limit my ability to sneak in a couple of reviews in between spreadsheets at work, however. Still, it was cool to actually hear your voice.

    I loved this book. I'm not picking up much of the Blackest Night event, but I'm in this for Conner, and wow, was this the right place to jump in. I especially liked the creepy off-screen kills early on as the meter kept rising.

    Maybe I missed it, but I'm pretty sure Superman does not display greed/orange at all, although he shows all of the other emotions. This may be important later if Hal, who has gone orange, becomes the dreaded White Lantern.

    Remember Clark's remark about the not-undead Lois Lane? My prediction for #2 is that Lois will crash her car into one of the Black Lanterns in a big heroic splash page, only to see that it does no real good, and now she can be a captive, too.

    After this issue, I guess it may be time for me to forgive Superman for not showing much concern after Conner blowed all up in Infinite Crisis. I still want to see Conner ask him why someone else had to stick him the chrysalis.

  5. I loved the issue. Great work on your first podcast, if you understood portuguese I'd send you the link to the first podcast I made with some friend. It ain't easy. Listen to BJay he gave ya great advice. Brantley's idea is cool too!

    All in all I loved this issue…

  6. I liked the review, plus every video that starts with As I lay Dying is a good video. Since I was out of action for some time, what happened to the forum you set up some months ago ?

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