Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #4 Review

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4 Advance Review

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4 brings us the conclusion of the original Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson and co-writer Matt Hotson’s Power Rangers epic. Thus far we have seen what life would’ve been like if the original Power Rangers team would’ve stuck together. That has given us plenty of fanservice moments. This includes the big reveal of Tommy Oliver and Kimberly Hart’s daughter, Olivia Hart, being the new Green Ranger. We got the chance to check out an early copy of the final issue of this series. Find out how it turned out with our review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4.


Writers: Amy Jo Johnson and Matt Hotson

Artist: Nico Leon

Colorist: Dono Sanchez-Almara

Letterer: Ed Dukeshire


“With the Green Dragon Power Coin in the hands of someone’s identity that will shock the rest of the Power Rangers, a fateful battle on the moon commences! But as climactic events unfold, who will remain to carry on the legacy of the Mighty Morphin Powers Rangers? Will the world still need them?” – BOOM! Studios


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4 is exactly what it needed to be. This comic book is filled with fan service that hits all the right notes for this Power Rangers fan heart. Through all that fanservice we get a lot of great, natural character moments that makes you want to read more beyond this final issue.

Leaving the reader wanting more is what makes Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4 so special. Amy Jo Johnson and Matt Hotson made sure to maximize the momentum from the reveal of Olivia Hart as the new Green Ranger at the end of the previous issue. This being the first time Olivia operates as a Power Ranger does so much. While Kimberly provided her with plenty of training the fact is there hasn’t been a reason for her to morph until now. That lack of field experience created a great amount of tension for how the fight with Selena went down.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4 Interior Preview
Preview of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4 interior artwork by artist Nico Leon, colorist Dono Sanchez-Almara, and letterer Ed Dukeshire. Credit: BOOM! Studios

Speaking of Selena is given the best character development that she has had in this series. Not only does Johnson and Hotson’s writing but also Nico Leon artwork captures Selena’s tunnel vision motivation. The emotion packed whenever Selena was the focus character in a panel or page spoke to how personal this was to her. She was completely obsessed with taking out the Power Rangers for killing her parents, Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd.

The involvement of Olivia and Selena made the story much more personal than if this was just about the original Power Rangers older. This personal stake came from how at its core Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return shows us what the ramifications of a final battle can be. For as much relief as defeating Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd there was it left us with what comes after unanswered. That all gave weight to what the remaining original Power Rangers coming back together to deal with the fallout of the big final battle decades earlier be more effective.

All of that made the genuine surprise in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4 be just that. There are several “OMG” moments that left me surprised that this is where Johnson, Hotson, and Leon went with the finale. The way things end does provide a possible avenue for where we may see BOOM! Studios and Hasbro go with their Power Rangers partnership.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4 delivers an ending that balances out fanservice with many great character moments. Amy Jo Johnson, Matt Hotson, and Nico Leon create so many great moments that when the story reaches its conclusion your left wanting more. If you are a Power Rangers fan make sure you pick up this mini-series asap.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 8.5 Night Girls out of 10

Click here to check out the preview of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4.

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