Comic Book Reviews 3-20-24

Weekly Comic Book Reviews For 3/20/24

With another packed week I’ve put together some quick reviews for this week’s comic book releases. This week the comic books that will be highlighted are Kill Your Darlings #7, Man’s Best #1, Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #2, The Infernals #2, Titans #9, and Wonder Woman #7.

Check out our full reviews for Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #1, Cobra Commander #3, Nightwing #112, X-Men: Forever #1.

Kill Your Darlings #7 ReviewKILL YOUR DARLINGS #7


Writer: Ethan S. Parker and Griffin Sheridan

Artist: Robert Quinn

Letterer: John J. Hill

Ethan Parker, Griffin Sheridan, and Robert Quinn continue to do an excellent job at melding the dark fantasy and horror genre together. Right from the get-go you feel the terror that comes from the use of dark magic in Kill Your Darlings #7. They drive home how power is as scary as the person who wields it. The toll that takes on how Rose and Elliot process the experience they go through feels heavy. From the panic Elliot feels to Rose’s determination to move forward, every development in this story compliments one another. It leads to an ending where you get further invested in the dark fantasy ride that this creative team continue to cook up.

Final Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Man's Best #1 ReviewMAN’S BEST #1


Writer: Pornsak Pichetshote

Artist: Jesse Lonergan

Letterer: Jeff Powell

Man’s Best #1 certainly captures the Homeward Bound: Lost In Space vibe it is going for. The three leads capture what you expect their breed of dog and cat they are. When our three furry leads are at the forefront Pornsak Pichetshote and Jesse Lonergan storytelling abilities as a creative team is at its best. The characters have such a fun dynamic that enhanced by the space setting they are in. It’s so good that when human characters suddenly become part of the scenes the story’s momentum hits some roadblocks. But this is more credit to selling this series on following the space adventures of our three lead characters. Especially when we get into the lost in space aspect of this series you do feel how the entire story opens up even more. Overall, a good start to what has the potential to be a contender for best new comic book of this year.

Final Rating: 7.5 Night Girls out of 10

Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #2 ReviewSCARLET WITCH & QUICKSILVER #2


Writer: Steve Orlando

Artist: Luciano Vecchio

Colorist: Frank William

Letterer: Joe Caramagna

The first issue of Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver created a logical reason for why our sibling leads would not be working together, at least initially. That reason being part of Wizard and the Frightful Four Hundred plan immediately help make Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #2 a joy to read. Steve Orlando  and Luciano Vecchino maximize the pure comic book villainy of Wizard and the Frightful Four Hundred. The results are a true challenge for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver as they must think on their feet to take on this threat. This leads to a lot of moments where we see a Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver utilize their powers that are cool to see as fans of these characters. The additions to the supporting cast are all well timed and further played into the character arcs for the siblings. It all comes together to prove why this is a must-read comic book from Marvel.

Final Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

The Infernals #2 ReviewTHE INFERNALS #2


Writer: Noah Gardner and Ryan Parrott

Artist: John J. Pearson and Lola Bonato

Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

If the first issue didn’t sell you on the lack of confidence Abraham “Abe” Morgenstern has in Nero, Jackal, or Bee to take over his empire than The Infernals #2 drives that point home. Because that is the status quo as soon as Abe is shown in a state of weakness we see a chain of events happen that were inevitable. Characters from Abe’s past and present shake things up to the point that it makes what happens in the first issue appear to be tame in comparison. The story has now gone from the succession of Abe’s empire to the grander impact of what his absence will mean for the world. That leaves us in a spot where, as the reader, we must be ready for whatever crazy development may happen next in The Infernals.

Final Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Titans #9 ReviewTITANS #9


Writer: Tom Taylor

Artist: Lucas Meyer

Colorist: Adriano Lucas

Letterer: Wes Abbott

Titans #9 continues to have the team deal with the fallout of Beast World by doing what they do best: saving people in need. Rather than simply talking about what they need to do to turn public sentiment around the Titans are actively showing the world they are there to protect everyone. Tom Taylor and Lucas Meyer make sure this is the emphasis from start to finish. It makes the way Beast Boy continues to handle the guilt of his role in Beast World and the protests targeting him hit harder. Which is complimented by the actions Dark Raven takes to continue her story. With all those developments we see how the Titans will continue to be major players in the future of the DC Universe as Amanda Waller gains more power. It all comes together to showcase why the Titans are DCU’s premiere superhero team.

Final Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Wonder Woman #7 ReviewWONDER WOMAN #7


Writer: Tom King

Artist: Guillem March

Colorist: Arif Prianto

Letterer: Clayton Cowles

Wonder Woman #7 is a massive change of pace that Tom King’s run desperately needed. We finally got away from Sovereign (aka King’s proxy) narration to tell a story that reminds readers a Wonder Woman comic book can be fun. There is still some heavy-handed dialogue, but King does allow Wonder Woman’s friendship with Superman shine. They have a natural chemistry where they can talk as trusted friends. It helps that Guillem March and Arif Prianto pack a ton of detail in making the galaxy market Wonder Woman and Superman visit to be vibrantly detailed. This isn’t groundbreaking storytelling but certainly a refreshing change of pace that further drives home the Sovereign story needs to wrap up sooner rather than later.

Final Rating: 6 Night Girls out of 10

For more opinions on anime, comic book, movies, and sports you can follow Kevin on Bluesky, Instagram, Threads, and X.