Comic Book Reviews 5-22-24

Weekly Comic Book Reviews For 5/22/24

Welcome back to another edition of our comic book reviews round-up! This is one of those week’s that definitely felt like every comic book released on the same day. With that in mind, this week’s comic book reviews round-up will include Blow Away #2, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120, The Sensational She-Hulk #8, The Spectacular Spider-Men #3, Titans #11, and Void Rivals #9. Find out how these all turned out with our comic book reviews below.

Comic Book Reviews: Blow Away #2BLOW AWAY #2


Writer: Zac Thompson

Artist: Nicola Izzo

Colorist: Francesco Segala

Letterer: DC Hopkins

Continuing the momentum from its debut issue, Blow Away #2 nails making the reader feel like an audience member. The pacing of this second issue felt like you are experiencing a mystery-thriller movie. Zac Thompson and Nicola Izzo have you following along with the Brynne Brautigan possible murder that she has on tape while investigating something else. Introducing new characters for Brynne to interact with added so much to where we are heading. Each character brought their own perspective to what Brynne possibly witnessed and makes you question what is going on. The spot looking forward to what revelations are made the deeper we get into this story.

Overall Rating: 8.5 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Cobra Commander #5COBRA COMMANDER #5


Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artist: Andrea Milana

Colorist: Annalisa Leoni

Letterer: Rus Wooton

Joshua Williamson and Andrea Milana deliver an incredible conclusion to Cobra Commader. Seeing the rise of Cobra throughout these five issues perfectly complimented what went on over in the Duke series. Cobra Commander #5 ending will make you even more excited to experience what will happen next in the Energon Universe. Click here to read full review.

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Fall of the House of X #5FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X #5


Writer: Gerry Duggan

Artist: Lucas Werneck and Stefano Caselli

Colorist: Bryan Valenza

Letterer: Travis Lanham

Fall of the House of X #5 does its job of wrapping up the threat of Nimrod, Omega Sentinel, and the Sentinel City. In the process the X-Men ashow what makes them a strong team with their epic win over Orchis. The way this concludes sets up the final two chapters of this X-Men crossover to deliver a true end for the Krakoa Era and begin something new. Click here to read full review.

Overall Rating: 7.5 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #120


Writer: Melissa Flores

Artist: Valentina Pinto

Colorist: Valeria Favoccia

Letterer: Ed Dukeshire

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120 felt like a Power Rangers Unlimited interlude one-shot rather than a main chapter of Darkest Hour event. But since this is to be treated as a main chapter of the Darkest Hour storyline it does come across as very late in the game to introduce the Solar Rangers into the conflict. Given that the Hyperforce and other Ranger teams involved haven’t had much screen time due to how many characters are part of the story already this is an odd decision. Especially when looking at how Mighty Mophin Power Rangers #120 ends in a way that felt rushed. While this does not take away from how great Darkest Hour has been this is easily the weakest chapter of the later Power Rangers event.

Overall Rating: 4 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Nightwing #114NIGHTWING #114


Writer: Tom Taylor

Artist: Bruno Redondo

Colorist: Adriano Lucas

Letterer: Wes Abbott

Nightwing #114 was pure set-up for what the “Fallen Grayson” will be about. This set-up was especially needed to establish Heartless as the endgame villain for Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo’s final story arc in their creative run. All of the developments did their job in getting over what this story will be about. Now hopefully the remaining chapters will focus on moving forward in the present rather than stuck in the past with more flashbacks. Click here to read full review.

Overall Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Sensational She-Hulk #8THE SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK #8


Writer: Rainbow Rowell

Artist: Andres Genolet

Colorist: Dee Cunniffe

Letterer: Joe Caramagna

Rainbow Rowell does not hesitate in tapping into a character’s history to progress them both as a superhero and personally. That is best seen with Sensational She-Hulk #8 highlighting Jennifer Walters relationship history to test how she deals with how Jack of Hearl old flame challenges her. This leads to a lot of great character insight that provides genuine growth for She-Hulk and Jack of Hearts individually and as a romantic pairing. With the resolution we get here it’ll be interesting where both characters go from here and what the next big story will be for Sensational She-Hulk.

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Spectacular Spider-Men #3THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MEN #3


Writer: Greg Weisman

Artist: Humberto Ramos

Inker: Victor Olazaba

Colorist: Edgar Delgado

Letterer: Joe Caramagna

The Spectacular Spider-Men #3 is a frustrating comic book. It has a lot of elements and concepts that would make for a fun and thought-provoking story. Unfortunately, the structure of jumping between timelines and reality makes it to much of a mess that you tired by everything its attempting. Which is too bad because the idea that Peter Parker and Miles Morals inner most desires are lives with Gwen Stacy and Kamala Khan, respectively, speaks to where they each are now. It is too bad because Weisman and Ramos do present some interesting character development points that’s let down by the narrative direction they chose.

Overall Rating: 4.5 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #1SPIDER-GWEN: THE GHOST-SPIDER #1


Writer: Stephanie Phillips

Artist: Federica Mancin

Colorist: Matt Milla

Letterer: Ariana Maher

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #1 struggles to be new reader friendly due to Earth-65’s Gwen Stacy complicated Multiverse history. Once Stephanie Phillips and Federica Mancin move past the opening to focus on building the larger creative direction and showing Gwen in action this comic book comes into its own. Hopefully the momentum created by the second half of this debut issue is carried forward by future issues. Click here to read full review.

Overall Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Titans #11TITANS #11


Writer: Tom Taylor

Artist: Lucas Meyer

Colorist: Adriano Lucas

Letterer: Wes Abbott

Tom Taylor and Lucas Meyer have found the secret sauce to make the latest story involving Trigon making Raven his successor engaging. This direction with Raven becoming the Dark-Winged Queen has given this version of the character an agency we don’t normally see in the Trigon story. Raven taking he next step in being Trigon’s successor made the new villain introduced act as a great trigger point for progress. Taylor and Meyer invest enough time in the new villain so they aren’t just a plot device. This along with learning what Nightwing is secretly doing made Titans #11 another strong issue in what is one of DC Comics’ best series.

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Void Rivals #9VOID RIVALS #9


Writer: Robert Kirkman

Artist: Lorenzo De Felici

Colorist: Patricio Delpeche

Letterer: Rus Wooton

Darak and Solila continue to be two of the most interesting series leads. Lorenzo De Felici artwork especially shined getting over where Darak and Solila are at in this point in their journey. They’ve been beaten and exhausted by everything that they’ve battled against. Void Rivals #9 also makes an important development in establishing the power level of the Energon Universe. This is thanks to the introduction of the Autobot Springer who gets matched up against Proximus. That fight along with developments towards the end of Void Rivals #9 nicely builds up the grander conflict developing in the Energon Universe.

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Wonder Woman #9WONDER WOMAN #9


Writer: Tom King

Artist: Daniel Sampere

Colorist: Tomeu Morey

Letterer: Clayton Cowles

Wonder Woman #9 is all style and zero substance. By far this is one of the best-looking comic books you will see right now. The work done by Daniel Sampere is purely amazing. This makes it even more unfortunate for as incredible as this comic book looks, the writing does nothing to match that quality. All of the problems with the narrative just leaves you hoping this wraps up as fast as possible and we move far away from the Sovereign story. Click here to read full review.

Overall Rating: 5 Night Girls out of 10

For more opinions on anime, comic book, movies, and sports you can follow Kevin on Bluesky, Instagram, Threads, and X.